“Return” Short Film – A Silent Adventure That Will Change Your Worldview!
Get ready for a cultural short film! The shooting of “Return,” a short film directed by Bahman Radan and co-written by Sara Moradi & Bahman Radan, has started in Turkey. Starring Çigil ünsal and Bülent Akkas, this silent adventure film follows a recently dead woman’s journey that tries to hug her child amidst strange events that challenge her beliefs. Produced by Ad1Film, this is a movie you will want to see!
“Return” is a cultural film that explores the adventures of a person who has just been killed. The protagonist tries to survive and hold her child again. Still, she is confronted with strange events that alter her perspective on life.
The talented cast of “Return” includes Çigil ünsal and Bülent Akkas, who will undoubtedly deliver stunning performances in their respective roles.
Bahman Radan, the director of the movie, is also the author & director of the critically acclaimed short film “That also breathes“, “Circle“, and “Smoking Kills” With his unique perspective and vision, we are confident that “Return” will be a memorable movie.
With its unique story and talented cast, “Return” promises to be a cinematic masterpiece that will captivate audiences. So stay tuned for more updates on the film’s progress, and get ready to experience a journey like no other!