Genre: Drama Stage: Pre-Production This is a cultural and psychological film that tells the story of Eron, who becomes paralyzed in an incident. The film explores the changes in Eron's life after this incident. Filming Location: Antalya
Genre: Short Film Stage: Pre-Production If you throw your cigarette butt on the ground, your nightmare begins This short film will be made and produced for the social movement called "#cigarettebutts". Each part of this short film has a different meaning and invites people to pay attention to these small plastic wastes on the ground. Filming Location: Antalya
Genre: Comedy Stage: Pre-Production Several old men sit on their chairs every day and wait for time to pass, but one day, one of them comes up with an idea and finds a new hobby for himself by demarcating. This short film trivializes geographical boundaries and shows that the young generation does not accept these boundaries and limitations. Filming Location: Antalya
Genre: Science-fiction Stage: Pre-Production This film tells the story of five different lives that all have a common point: sometimes everything is not in our control. Filming Location: Antalya
Genre: Drama, Adventure Stage: Pre-Production This film is the story of desperate people who intend to commit suicide but do not dare to end their lives. And for this purpose, they go to a death counselor, and in the counselor's room, things happen that change the course of their lives, but one person makes a change. .... Filming Location: Antalya